Date: 12 Mar 2017
The Asian Energy Studies Centre (AESC) of HKBU recently collaborated with Business Environment Council and World Wide Fund for Nature – Hong Kong (WWF) to organise a seminar with the theme of “Renewable Energy – How can it thrive in Hong Kong?”.
The seminar focused on the opportunities and challenges for developing renewable energy in Hong Kong in light of the recently released “Hong Kong Climate Action Plan 2030+” report by the Environment Bureau of the HKSAR Government. Over 120 participants from businesses, NGOs, academia, government departments and bureaus attended the seminar.
The panel discussion and Q&A session were moderated by Professor Raymond So, Chairman of the Energy Advisory Committee of the HKSAR Government and HKBU’s Dean of School of Continuing Education. The seminar provided a platform for idea sharing and raising key issues on renewable energy development in Hong Kong, including geographical prospects and constraints, technical hurdles, public acceptance of and willingness to pay on solar PV electricity, financing models, and the role of government in renewable energy development.
浸大亞洲能源研究中心最近與商界環保協會、世界自然基金會香港分會合作,舉辦主題為「Renewable Energy – How can it thrive in Hong Kong?」的研討會,吸引超過120位來政府、商界、學界及非政府機構的人士參與。