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About AESC

The Asian Energy Studies Centre (AESC),

renamed in September 2014; previously the Hong Kong Energy Studies Centre, established in 1998; 

is a university-supported Category-II research centre based in the Faculty of Social Sciences

at Hong Kong Baptist University. 



Our Mission & Plans

香港浸會大學亞洲能源研究中心 (Asian Energy Studies Centre) ,成立於2014年 (前身為早於1998年成立的“香港能源研究中心”),是社會科學院轄下的研究中心。





AESC aims to be an internationally recognised hub for sustainable energy studies in the Asian region.


We are committed to pursuing excellence in academic research in the areas of sustainable energy, with a particular focus from the perspectives of governance in the Asian context.


We promote informed energy decision-making and improve energy policies in this region, including Hong Kong, by creating new knowledge, providing practical policy recommendations, promoting knowledge exchange, and facilitating stakeholder engagement. We undertake interdisciplinary collaborative research projects, organize academic workshops, public seminars and other engagement events.

Governing Principles


We conduct independent studies with the support of diverse funding sources.


We strive to promote transparency of our Centre by

  1. disclosing information of our funding sources as much as possible; and

  2. disseminating our research outputs as widely as possible through our working paper series and project websites.


Contact us

  |  Address  | 

Room 1202, 12/F, Academic and Administration Building,
15 Baptist University Road,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

*AESC is located on the 12th floor of the Academic and Administration Building (AAB) and is accessible by the MTR, minibus or public bus. For details, please consult the map and transport guide: AAB_Map_Transport_Guide

  |  Contact  | 

Tel: +852 3411 7032; +852 3411 7187; +852 3411 7753
Fax: +852 3411 2383

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Created by Yee Wah Anna Wang

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